Saturday, July 08, 2006

Full Metal Yakuza

This simple tale about a low-level yakuza who is revived by a latex-clad mad scientist shortly after he and his boss are killed by rival gansters and turned into a 'full metal' robo-man accessorized with his dead boss' yakuza tattoo and prominent man-member who subsequently escapes to seek revenge on the killers who took his life and raped his girlfriend is actually one of Miike's milder, more accessible pieces.

Full Metal Yakuza is basically RoboCop with more fetish rape and jazz hands.

And you've never seen a mad scientist flourish a latex raincoat until you've seen Full Metal Yakuza.

That said, this is no Ichi The Killer. But if you liked Ichi, it won't disappoint.

Two and a half-stars Jason Bob sez mince on in, if you dare!


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